The Year in Sex: The 10 Most-Read Articles on Sex and Psychology in 2024
January 15, 2025 by Merissa Prine
Goodbye, 2024! We hope that you all enjoyed the holiday season and have some things to look forward to in the year ahead.
2024 was a year of significant change. From the ongoing evolution of artificial intelligence to global shifts in our social and political landscapes, we’ve seen how technology and culture continue to shape our lives—including the ways we navigate sex and sexuality.
Let’s take a look back at the ten most-read articles on Sex and Psychology in 2024. These posts cover a wide variety of topics and, collectively, have been read hundreds of thousands of times!
We noticed that this year, many of our readers were referring back to some of the topics we had covered in earlier years, with many of our highest read blogs being from years prior to 2024. As you will see, many of the trending topics were related to penis size, why people are into certain things, and whether certain fetishes are “normal” or common.
Here’s the countdown of Sex and Psychology’s ten most-read articles in 2024:
10. Who’s More Well-Endowed: Gay Men or Straight Men?
9. How Common are Pregnancy Fetishes?
8. The Price of Sex in Amsterdam
7. How Many People Are Intro Double Penetration
6. Sex Question Friday: Why Do So Many Guys Like To Give “Facials?”
5. Can Medications and Drugs be Transferred Through Semen? (We’ve updated this blog here to include more recent research)
4. The Three Sex Positions Women are Most Likely to Orgasm in
3. How Many Women Fantasize About Cuckolding? (This topic often shows up as one of the most popular. In previous years, the blog “Sex Question Friday: I Want to Watch My Wife Sleep With Someone Else. Is That Normal?” was frequently in the top 10.)
2. What Kinds of Porn Do Men and Women Watch Most Often?
1. Fact Check: Are There Really Racial Differences In Penis Size? (This blog has been on our most-read list for many years!)
As always, thank you to our readers! We hope you have a fantastic year in 2025! Stay tuned as we plan to cover lots of spicy topics and address all of your burning questions.
If you have a sex question of your own, record a voicemail at to have it answered on the blog or the podcast.
Want to learn more about Sex and Psychology? Click here for more from the blog or here to listen to the podcast. Follow Sex and Psychology on Facebook, Twitter (@JustinLehmiller), Bluesky, or Reddit to receive updates. You can also follow Dr. Lehmiller on YouTube and Instagram.

Dr. Justin Lehmiller
Founder & Owner of Sex and PsychologyDr. Justin Lehmiller is a social psychologist and Research Fellow at The Kinsey Institute. He runs the Sex and Psychology blog and podcast and is author of the popular book Tell Me What You Want. Dr. Lehmiller is an award-winning educator, and a prolific researcher who has published more than 50 academic works.
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