
Have you ever wanted to take part in a sex study? Here’s your chance! This page is updated regularly with calls for participation from sex scientists across the globe. Feel free to participate in as many studies as you would like. However, please be sure to review the eligibility criteria first to ensure that you’re a good fit for a given study before signing up. Thanks for contributing to the science of sex!

Participate in any of the active studies below.


Would you like to add your study to this page? Just complete the form below. You will need to supply the title and weblink/contact information for your study, a sentence about the selection criteria, and a sentence or two describing what will be asked of participants. You will also need to provide the anticipated end date for data collection, as well as confirm that your study has been approved by an IRB or ethics committee.

Active Sex Studies

Voices of Sexual Shame and Authenticity in Men Who Have Sex with Men

Adler University

This research seeks to understand how men who have sex with men embody and voice sexual authenticity or sexual shame. Participants will be asked to complete a brief screening phone call (approx. 10 minutes) with the researcher, followed by a 60-minute virtual interview via Microsoft Teams. Interview topics will include questions about experiences of sexual shame, sexual authenticity, homophobia, and experiences of sexuality with peer groups, friends, family, and cultural/religious groups. Participants are eligible if they are: a gay/bisexual/heterosexual man who has, in the past or present, had consensual sex with men, at least 19 years old, and living in Canada. If interested in participating, please email David Jennings at: [Added Dec 16, 2024]

Attitudes Toward Mental Health Disclosure Among Friends

Kwantlen Polytechnic University

This study investigates people’s reactions toward a friend’s mental health disclosure and whether attitudes differ based on what the friend tells them. In this short, anonymous online study, you will first answer some demographic questions (e.g., age, gender) and will then be presented with a short scenario about a friend disclosing their current mental health struggles. After reading the scenario, you will be asked to answer a series of questions about your thoughts and feelings toward your friend, followed by more questions about yourself. The study will take approximately 20 minutes and participants may enter into a drawing for one-of-four $25 Amazon gift cards. Participants are eligible if they are: 18 years of age or older. [Added Dec 10, 2024]


Menopause and Sex

London Metropolitan University
This study examines the relationship between age-gap relationships and partnership satisfaction, as well as sexual function, sexual efficacy, and well-being. The researchers are particularly interested in older women dating younger men and women dating a similar age group of men who are peri/post-menopausal. The survey will take approximately 20 minutes and includes questions about your age, sexuality, gender, dating preferences, partnerships, whether you are on HRT/bioidentical hormones treatments and whether you use sex toys, followed by questionnaires looking at sexual function, well-being, sexual efficacy, and age-gap relationship preferences along with menopause symptoms. Participants are eligible if they are: either peri- or post-menopausal, 25 years or older, and currently in a relationship/partnership with someone at least 7 years younger or of a similar age group (within 7 years). Additionally, your partner must be at least 18 years old. Note: You may be involved with more than one person. [Added Dec 9, 2024]


Investigating the Gender Gap in Smiling Expressivity

Kwantlen Polytechnic University

Motivations for BDSM Engagement

University of Sunderland
This study aims to create an empirical measure of BDSM desire/engagement to reflect the diversity in understanding and practice surrounding BDSM. The survey takes around 20-30 minutes to complete; you will be asked about some demographic information and then a series of questions asking you about why you engage in BDSM. Participants are eligible if they are: 18 years of age or older, and identify as a BDSM practitioner (though not necessarily currently practicing). Note: Those with a history of trauma or self-injury are not excluded but may wish to approach the study with caution and not take part if they feel questions on these subjects may cause excessive rumination or relapse. [Added Dec 6, 2024]

Sexual Communication Between Gay Men in CNM Relationships

Sam Houston State University

Researchers are investigating sexual communication between gay men in consensually nonmonogamous relationships. Participation will involve two Zoom interviews as a couple: an initial 90-minute interview and a 15-30-minute follow-up interview. Click the link below to learn more about the study. To be eligible to participate, you must be: 18 years of age or older, self-identify most closely as a gay male, be married or cohabitating with your partner in a consensually nonmonogamous relationship (any style), and live in the US. [Added Dec 5, 2024]


Romantic Relationships in Early Recovery: Provider Attitudes

Fairleigh Dickinson University
Researchers at Fairleigh Dickinson University are conducting a survey of behavioral health clinicians, 12-step sponsors, and peer recovery workers to explore their thoughts and feelings about new romantic relationships for their clients or peers who are early in recovery from substance misuse. The survey should take about 20 minutes to complete and includes questions about professional experience and beliefs about new romantic relationships in substance misuse recovery. At the end of the survey, respondents can enter a drawing for one of four $50 Amazon gift cards. To be eligible to participate, you must meet the following criteria: be (1) a mental or behavioral health clinician/therapist who treats substance misuse as part of their practice, OR (2) a person who sponsors others in a 12-step peer recovery program, OR (3) a person who is considered a peer recovery worker for those with substance misuse. You must also be aged 18 or older; live in the United States; and able to read and understand English. Please contact Dr. Nicole Zmuda if you have any questions (email: [Added Sept 3, 2024]

Perceptions of Sexual Preferences

University of Western Ontario
Researchers are looking to recruit couples to learn about their perceptions of their own and their partner’s sexual preferences. This research is part of a series of studies investigating sexual similarity, sexual complementarity, and perceptual accuracy of sexual preferences. Participants and their partners will be asked to complete two separate and identical confidential online surveys. The survey will take approximately 60 minutes to complete, and questions will pertain to yourself, your partner, your relationship with your partner, and your sexual preferences. Participation in the study will grant you entry to a drawing for one of four $25.00 CAD/USD Amazon Gift Cards. Couples who both respond to the study will each be granted a bonus entry – for a total of two each. To be eligible to participate, you and your partner must meet the following criteria: 18 years of age or older, currently be a couple (e.g., dating, in a relationship [i.e., romantically attached], or in a consensual non-monogamous relationship), and be fluent in English. Note: People who are seeing someone very casually are eligible for the study. Individuals who are in consensual non-monogamous relationships are also eligible for the study. Click the link below to learn more and access the survey. [Added April 9, 2024]

The Relationship Attitudes Study

University of Western Ontario

This is a study on perceptions of relational attitudes and factors that influence these perceptions. Researchers are looking to recruit participants, of any gender identity and sexual orientation, to complete a confidential online survey consisting of a series of questions about yourself and perceptions of people’s relational attitudes.  The survey will take approximately 20 minutes. Participants are eligible if they are 18 years of age or older and fluent in English. [Added March 27, 2024]


Examining the Effects of Research Participation on Perceptions of Benefit and Cost

Kwantlen Polytechnic University
This study aims to examine the experiences, opinions, and cognitive abilities of individuals in sex-based research as well as the costs and benefits of participation. Participation will require answering questions about yourself (e.g., demographic questions such as your age, sexual orientation, and relationship status) in a ~20-minute survey. We ask demographic questions of this nature for generalizability, transparency in our findings, and research replication. You will also be presented with a set of questions regarding your positive and negative emotions, followed by either a set of sexuality and trauma-based experiences and opinions questionnaires, or a set of questionnaires regarding your cognitive abilities and skills. The study will close with a final set of questions regarding your emotions and feelings regarding the study itself. Participants are eligible if they are 16 years of age or older. [Added March 1, 2024]

TIPURQ: Similarities and Differences in Sexual Interests

Université Catholique de Louvain (Belgium)
The purpose of this study is to investigate how similarities and differences in partners’ sexual interests are related to their perceptions of relationship quality.  This study is intended for couples/two partners, including those involved in LGBTIQA+ and CNM relationships. Compensation of an $11 USD Amazon gift code is offered for EACH participant (i.e., $22 USD per couple). Couples are eligible if they are: in a romantic relationship of at least 6 months, and further, both members of each couple must consent to participate and be 18 years of age or older.  Those in CNM relationships are encouraged to participate, though this study can only collect data from two partners in each relationship. [Added February 23, 2024]

Threesome Experiences and Expectations

University of Minnesota Duluth
Individuals are invited to participate in a research study assessing stigma toward and willingness to engage in sexual activity. As part of this study, participants will be asked to read vignettes describing a particular sexual experience and then complete various surveys on their opinions toward those behaviors. The study should take about 15 minutes to complete and is entirely voluntary without compensation. Participants are eligible if they are: 18 years of age or older, currently residing in the United States, speak fluent English, and identify as cisgender (i.e., your gender identity is the same as your sex assigned at birth) and heterosexual. [Added January 10, 2024]


University of British Columbia
APPROACH 2.0 is a study that aims to explore how transgender women and gender non-binary individuals (of any sex assigned at birth) experience distressingly low sexual desire. Participants will be invited to complete an eligibility screening and—once determined eligible—will complete a semi-structured interview asking about sexual concerns by a trained interviewer, then complete one online questionnaire package. Participants are eligible if they are: 19 years of age or older, identify as a transgender woman or non-binary (any sex assigned at birth), struggle with low sexual desire/arousal, and do not identify as asexual. To participate, please contact the researcher at: [Added December 13, 2023]


Investigating Experiences of Physical Pain in Impact Play

Modern Sex Therapy Institutes
Researchers at Modern Sex Therapy Institutes are interested in investigating the experiences of physical pain among female bottoms engaged in impact play in BDSM community dungeon play spaces versus private play settings. Participation will involve a short questionnaire and a scheduled interview with the investigator. Use the link below to express interest in participating. [Added November 7, 2023]
Participants are eligible if they:
     – are 18 years old or older;
     – are cisgender female or transgender female on hormone therapy;
     – engage in impact play in both private and BDSM dungeon play space as a bottom within the past 6 months
     – are English speaking and understanding;
     – have no history of diagnosed chronic pain, dissociative disorder, borderline personality disorder, PTSD, or an episode
of psychosis within the past two years; and
     – have no use of drugs or alcohol during impact play.

Exploring Individuals’ Experiences of Sexual Pleasure

University of British Columbia
Researchers are seeking men-identifying and genderdiverse (e.g., agender, genderfluid, non-binary, transgender) individuals to participate in one 60-90 minute online focus group of 6-8 participants (per group), where participants will be asked to share how they conceptualize and experience sexual pleasure, as well as answer two online questionnaires that ask about their background and sexual experiences. Total participation time is up to 2 hours and 45 minutes. Participants will receive an honorarium. Participants are eligible if they are: 19 years of age or older, fluent in English, reside in Canada or the US, have previous partnered and solitary sexual experience, and are comfortable participating in a focus group with their video camera on. Those interested should email Faith Jabs: [Added October 27, 2023]

Sexual Assault Among University Students in Canada: A Minority Stress and Intersectional Perspective

Kwantlen Polytechnic University
The purpose of this study is to investigate the experiences of sexual assault in university students, especially in situations that involve the consumption of alcohol or other substances. We are interested in the types and levels of stress experienced in such incidents and how these connect to various identities that students may possess, including, but not limited to, sexual and racial identities. Participation requires answering some demographic questions (i.e., gender, age, ethnicity, sexual orientation, body size [body weight and height], current student status, place of residency, and disability status) and completing questionnaires assessing sexual assault exposure, alcohol use, drug use, overall physical and mental health, and experiences with minority stress on the online survey platform Qualtrics. This study will take approximately 30 minutes. Participants are eligible if they are: 18 years of age or older and current OR former students at a Canadian post-secondary institution (i.e., university/college).  [Added October 2, 2023]

Intimacy, Relational, and Sexual Satisfaction in Couples

University of Texas at Austin
The purpose of this study is to evaluate how intimate interactions relate to satisfaction in romantic relationships. This study is a couples study, so you and your partner would both participate. You will be asked to fill out demographics, questions about your relationship and sexuality, and identify different interactions that make you feel intimacy/intimate with your partner.  This study will have 1 one-on-one session with a researcher via Zoom and at least two online surveys over 4 weeks. The first session will take approximately 1 hour. You will be asked to complete the first online survey two weeks after your first session and the final survey 28 days after your first session. You must complete a phone screen with our team in order to determine if you are eligible to participate. You and your partner will receive $50 (i.e., $25 each) for the completion of the full study. Participants are eligible if both partners are: 18 years of age or older, in a committed relationship together for 6+ months, and fluent in and able to read and write in English. Please note that partners do not have to be cohabiting, but cannot be in a long-distance relationship. Couples from all over the world are welcome to participate! However, both partners will need either a U.S. phone number or a Google Voice number for this study. [Added August  28, 2023]

Psychosocial influences on the decision to take PrEP

Nottingham Trent University
This study is exploring the psychosocial influences on the decision to take pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) for the prevention of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) among Gay, Bi, and Straight Men who have sex with Men in the UK. This research aims to explore the specific nuances around PrEP decision-making to develop interventions to empower people to have the kind of sex they want – as safe as possible. A 15-minute online survey will ask about current PrEP usage and then a multitude of psychometric variables. It can be completed on a smartphone, tablet, or computer device. Participants are eligible if they: were assigned Male at birth, are at least 16 years of age, are based in the United Kingdom (UK), and have access to the internet on a smartphone, tablet, or computer device. Please note that it does not matter if you take, have taken, or have never taken PrEP. [Added July 31, 2023]

Exploring Partnered Sex Toy Usage among Men

Kwantlen Polytechnic University
Researchers at KPU are examining sex toy use among males (cisgender men) with female (cisgender women) sexual partners. We know there is a wide range of values and opinions contributing to men’s reasons for and against sex toy usage, and your participation will help us understand how these values and opinions shape behavior. Participation in this study will involve answering some questions about yourself (i.e., demographic questions such as your age, sexual orientation, and relationship status) as well as some questions regarding specific types of sex toys, how you feel about your sexual ability and your genitals, and your values associated with masculinity and attitudes toward women. The study will be conducted on the survey platform Qualtrics and will take approximately 20 minutes to complete. Participants are eligible if they: are male (cisgender men), at least 16 years of age, and have had at least one (1) female (cisgender women) sexual partner. Please note that you DO NOT need to be a sex toy user to be eligible. [Added June 21, 2023]

Cross-Sex Mind Reading

University of Texas at Austin

Researchers are investigating how accurate (or inaccurate) each sex is at guessing the sexual desires of the other sex. Participants are eligible if they are: 18 years of age or older and fluent in English. You may be of any sex or gender and of any sexuality to take part. [Added April 25, 2023]


For Participants

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For Researchers

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If you are a researcher and would like your study added to this page, simply complete this form. Please note that only IRB-approved studies are eligible for inclusion.