Sex Q&A

The Ten Most-Read Questions and Answers on Sex and Psychology

August 15, 2019 by Justin Lehmiller

Here’s an updated list of the ten most read question-and-answer features of all time on the blog. These questions (all submitted by readers of Sex and Psychology) span a very wide range of topics. Many of them fall under the category of “What’s normal when it comes to sex?” By contrast, others reflect curiosity about diverse sexual practices, as well as interest in better understanding what’s safe when it comes to sex.

10. Is it possible for a woman to become a virgin again? (Most people who have asked me this question were actually asking whether it’s possible for a hymen to regrow. The short answer is that this is almost unheard of. In fact, I’ve only read about one case where this happened and it was a medical anomaly. That said, surgical restoration of the hymen, while uncommon, is possible. You can learn more about this practice here.)

9. Why are so many straight men into trans porn? (This is a very common sexual interest among men and, contrary to popular belief, most men who are attracted to transwomen aren’t gay.)

8. How often do married couples have sex? (There’s a lot of variability in sexual frequency, and how often people have sex depends a lot on age. It’s also important to note that more isn’t always better when it comes to sex and that, as we get older, quality of sex becomes much more important than quantity.)

7. I want to watch my wife sleep with someone else. Is that normal? (As I’ve found in my own research, this is also a very common sexual fantasy among men. For a detailed look at the science of cuckolding, check out this article.)

6. Does penis size actually affect female pleasure? (For some women, it does. However, a majority of women report that penis size makes no difference in their odds of reaching orgasm through penile-vaginal intercourse.)

5. How deep is the average vagina? (There’s very limited research on this subject, but the work I’ve read suggests that the average vaginal depth is a little shorter than the average penis length, which may explain why penis girth tends to be regarded as more important than penis length by most women.)

4. Is rimming safe? (Just like any other sexual activity, oral stimulation of the anus carries some potential health risks—however, there are also ways to make it safer.)

3. Is swallowing bad for your health? (Swallowing semen does not pose any known health risks, assuming the person providing the semen is free of STDs and the person swallowing it doesn’t have a semen allergy.)

2. Do women enjoy anal sex? (Many women enjoy anal intercourse, and studies find that this is an increasingly common sexual activity practiced by women today. Although it didn’t make the top 10 list this time around, many readers have also been curious about how to make anal sex more pleasurable.)

1. Injaculation: Is it dangerous for guys to prevent ejaculation during orgasm? (Short answer: probably not. There isn’t a single scientific source to my knowledge suggesting that this practice causes problems. In fact, this is actually a common and highly successful technique used among men who are trying to learn better ejaculatory control in order to last longer in bed. )

For Q&A’s on Sex and Psychology, click here. To send in a question, click here.

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Image Source: Photo by HOP DESIGN on Unsplash

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Written by
Dr. Justin Lehmiller
Founder & Owner of Sex and Psychology

Dr. Justin Lehmiller is a social psychologist and Research Fellow at The Kinsey Institute. He runs the Sex and Psychology blog and podcast and is author of the popular book Tell Me What You Want. Dr. Lehmiller is an award-winning educator, and a prolific researcher who has published more than 50 academic works.

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